Rabu, 23 September 2015

Jawaban Tugas Hal.8 (Bahasa Inggris kelas XII Kurikulum 2013)

  1.  If you visit Seattle, the first thing to do is Feel the fresh air on your face as you sail to Banbrige   Island on a Washingon State Ferry.

   2.    The second thing to do is tour Pike place market’s produce stands and buy something you’ve never teasted.
   3.    The ‘Soul of Seattle’ is the name for emerland city, because the area is festival of sound, tastes, and smels is part of the reason amid all the joyful hubbub, make sure you take time to spot these beloved icons.

   4.    Book a night at one of the many cosy B and BS or resorts available throughout the sun Juan Island. Is the third instruction to follow is you visit Seattle.

   5.    If I am in the Sun Juan Island, I will be able to enjoy the friendly island culture and also enjoy naturalist-guided tours, wild life spotting, whale watching and storm watching.

   6.    The fourth instruction to follow is See exciting and experiemental works at Chihuly Garden and Glass.

   7.    Chihuly garden and Glass customer service may offer a help to a guest saying can  I help you ?

   8.    If you were an aircraft factory staff, what would you say to offer help for your visitors. What if we go around to watch the worlds most sophisticsted aircraft be bullt.

   9.    Two instruction to follow at the Boeing factor are explore dynamics of flight and experience new aviation innovation. And go behind the scenes at Boeing to watch the very same jets you may one day be a passenger on being assembled.

   10. Imagine you are visiting Lake Toba with you classmates. You friends want to go canoeing but do not know how to do it. What would you say to help them how about I help you with this ?.

9 komentar:

  1. Maaf mau share aja yang nomor 2 kalo kata aku sih 'soul of seattle' itu pike place market, berdasarkan di buku sama search di google

  2. Request jawaban hal 12

  3. Terimakasih jawabannya sangat membantu kak

  4. Membantu banget terima kasih😊

  5. Thanks, penjelasanya sangat membantu bangat. Thanks

  6. Thanks, penjelasanya sangat membantu bangat. Thanks
